2023 People First Conference
We had a great time at our 30th Annual People First of WV Conference at Jackson’s Mill in early September. There were 130 people who joined us for this special event which was the first in person conference in 4 years. We were honored to have Julian Wang as our Keynote Speaker, as well as Matthew Gallagher from the WV Secretary of State Office, Ryan Weld WV State Senator, and Riley Moore WV State Treasurer speak. They shared their insights and experiences with us. Along with our individual class on Fire Safety, Matthew Reed from the WV State Fire Academy gave everyone tips on how to prevent and handle fires in our homes and we had a fire drill to practice how to get out of a public building in case of a fire or emergency.
We also held our annual Advisory Board meeting where we discussed some important matters including selecting on the dates for the next three advisory board meetings, which are November 15, 2023, January 16th, 2024, and May 15, 2024. We will let you know the place and time for each meeting later. We also agreed that the 2024 Conference will be held at Jackson’s Mill again. We also reviewed and approved a change to the Bylaws and another change has been proposed to be voted on at the November training. You can find the current Bylaws and the proposed changes on our People First website.
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