About Us

Our Vision

To be positioned as the premier organization that promotes the well-being of and ensures a satisfying and productive life for children and adults with intellectual, cognitive, and related developmental disabilities.

Our Mission

We support people with developmental disabilities
at all stages of life to reach their full potential.

Core Values


The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley believes that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have strengths, abilities, and inherent value; are equal before the law; and must be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of the level of their disability.


The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley is an organization of, by and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Our policy decisions are made by informed voting members, organized into affiliated state and local chapters.


The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley seeks and supports diverse leadership and membership. Our concept of diversity includes but is not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, age, socio-economic status, geographic location, sexual orientation, gender, family status and type and level of disability.

Visionary Leadership

The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley values new ideas, innovation and inspired leadership. We seek constantly to improve our focus, knowledge and effectiveness.

Community Participation

The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley works toward ensuring that all people have the fundamental moral, civil and constitutional rights and opportunities to live, learn, work, play and worship in communities of their choosing.

Integrity & Excellence

Members and leaders of The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley promote our mission, core values and position statements with integrity and accountability. We conduct our business according to the highest ethical standards.

Service Area

Our service area varies depending on the program and funding source, but we primarily serve a 10-county region for the majority of programs, with the entire state of West Virginia receiving services for others.

Board of Directors

Dan Stemple

Angie Harkness
Past President

Jonelle Merritt
Vice President

Darla Hall

Marvin Boyce

Debbie Douglass
Liz Ford
Ann Greer
Doug Lockhart
Anne McFee
Eric Little
Lori Roberts
Michael Simmons
Judy Sutton
Tina Tanner
Tammy White

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held quarterly at 5:30 pm.

Schedule for 2024:

January 9, 2024 (annual meeting)

April 16, 2024

July 16, 2024

October 15, 2024

Schedule for 2025:

January 21, 2025

April 15, 2025

July 15, 2025

October 21, 2025

(Schedule is subject to change due to weather or other factors.)

The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley needs skilled, committed volunteers to provide leadership through involvement on the Board of Directors.

Our board represents a cross-section of our community and has a passion for our organization and those we serve. The members work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization and oversee that the funds raised directly affect those in need.

What does a board member do?
Board members are responsible for setting the direction of The Arc, monitoring the services that are provided to assure quality, and developing policies to guide the agency. Board members are also encouraged to contribute to The Arc and to encourage others to contribute their tie, talents, funds or other resources.

How much time does it require?
Currently, board meetings are held five times a year. The meetings begin at 6:00 and meetings are generally over by 7:00 PM. An annual planning session is held each August, and an annual meeting open to all members of The Arc is held each year. Beyond that, your level of involvement is up to you.

Join The Arc. . .
All members of the Board of Directors are required to be members of The Arc. The annual membership fee is $25.

About The Arc . . .
The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley is a private, non-profit corporation that has been serving the citizens of Wood and surrounding counties since the early 1950’s. The Arc’s mission is to improve the lives of citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families and to reduce the incidence and lessen the effects of intellectual disabilities.

Am I liable for actions of the board or agency?
West Virginia law protects board members who act in good faith. If you attend meeting, participate actively and do your best to make good decisions, you are not personally liable. The Arc has Officers and Directors Liability Insurance through the West Virginia Board of Risk Management.