People First of West Virginia
We are individuals with developmental disabilities joining together to speak up and speak out for ourselves!
Our mission is to promote self-advocacy by speaking and acting on behalf of the rights and responsibilities of all people with developmental disabilities.

The History of People First in West Virginia
In 1993, Kevin Smith went to Nashville, Tennessee. He thought he might get to meet Johnny Cash. Instead, he brought back People First from the national convention he attended. Thirty years later he talked to Melissa Southall about that experience and what has happened since then and what he hopes for the future.

What is Self-Advocacy?
Self-advocacy refers to a person’s ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate or assert his/her own interests, needs, and rights. It involves making informed decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions. Self-advocacy is understanding your strengths and needs, identifying your personal goals, knowing your legal rights and responsibilities, and communicating these to others.
Being part of a People First group means being part of a grassroots network that allows you to join with regional, state, and national advocacy groups to speak up for yourself and have YOUR voice heard.

The West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office administers WVABLE, a program designed to give people with disabilities more independence and financial security.
The West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office administers WVABLE, a program designed to give people with disabilities more independence and financial security. WVABLE is made possible by the Achieving a Better Life Experience in West Virginia Act, also known as the West Virginia ABLE Act. Since the program has launched as of February 9th, individuals with disabilities will be able to save and invest up to $15,000 per year without losing eligibility for public benefit programs such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Individuals who developed disabilities before the age of 26 may be eligible to open an account.

People First WV is a program of the West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council