Movement May
Why is exercising important?
Getting in some exercise everyday not only helps your physical health but it helps your mental health as well.
Benefits for Physical Health and Mental Health
While exercising helps your body stay in shape and helps it continue to do the daily tasks. By exercising 5 hours per week you help your body keep up and help decrease some health risks as well. Exercising helps your heart stay healthy and lowers your risk for heart issues. Exercising doesn’t just help your physical body and health it also helps your mental health. By focusing on the exercises, it takes the focus off of what is stressing you out or giving you anxiety. It gives your brain a break and lets it focus on what you are doing in the moment.
Not all exercises have to be done in a gym, a simple one is going somewhere to walk. Here is some exercises you can do without the gym like going on a hike, running, yardwork, going on a bike ride, jumping rope, dancing, going swimming, and gardening.
Click Here for more information on exercising.