The Arc Thrift Shops are nonprofit fundraisers of The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley.
All proceeds from sales are used to provide programs and services to these individuals and their families. It is important to note that 100% of all proceeds remain in the local area!
Visit our two convenient locations!
Open Mon thru Fri 9am-6pm and Sat 10am-6pm
The Arc Thrift Shop I

The Arc Thrift Shop II

Volunteers are required to attend an orientation that can be scheduled through the office by calling 304-422-3151.
Three Ways to Help…
Think of The Arc Thrift Shops whether you are shopping for furniture, household/kitchen items, vintage and contemporary clothing, music or video, small gifts or hard-to-find items. Most items are priced at 50-75% less than comparable new retail price. All appliances are tested before sale, and all clothes and dishes are properly cleaned. Since new donations are always coming in, it is worth your time to make scheduled visits so you won’t miss the occasional rare find. Where else can you find great bargains and help a worthy cause at the same time?!
The Arc of the Mid Oho Valley’s goal is to operate the The Arc Thrift Shops in the Parkersburg area through the donation and assistance of local businesses, donors and contributors. The Arc Thrift Shops are always looking for quality furniture, household items, electronics, small appliances, jewelry and clothing! We accept anything you have to donate…we turn nothing away! Have items left over from a sale? We’ll be glad to take them off your hands. All donations are tax deductible.
A third way to help is to volunteer for The Arc Thrift Shops by helping sort, clean, repair, and tag donated items. Volunteers are welcome every day from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday volunteers are especially needed from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. to receive donations, and extra volunteer hours are needed on Mondays and Tuesdays during yard sale season. We receive so many donations that we really need helping sorting through all of the items. If you are a student or work part-time, or need more job experience, volunteering is a great way to learn valuable merchandise skills and retail experience while helping a worthy cause! We are open Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm & Sat 10:00 am to 6 pm at both locations.