Monthly News & Updates

September 2023

History of People First in WV

In 1993, Kevin Smith went to Nashville, Tennessee. He thought he might get to meet Johnny Cash. Instead, he brought back People First from the national convention he attended. Thirty years later he talked to Melissa Southall about that experience and what has happened since then and what he hopes for the future. You can watch that interview by clicking HERE.

National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month and everyone is encouraged to be prepared in case of an emergency or disaster. This is especially true if you have a disability. Disability intersects every demographic group—there are people with disabilities of all ages, races, genders or national origin. And, disabilities can impact a person in a variety of ways—both visible and invisible. For people with disabilities and their families, it is important to consider individual circumstances and needs to effectively prepare for emergencies and disasters. 

Get Informed

Know what disasters could affect your area, which ones could call for an evacuation and when to shelter in place.

Make a Plan

In the event of a disaster could you make it on your own for several days? After a disaster you may not have access to a medical facility or even a drugstore. It’s crucial to plan for your daily needs and know what you would do if they become limited or unavailable.

Get Your Benefits Electronically

A disaster can disrupt mail service for days or weeks. If you depend on Social Security or other regular benefits, switching to electronic payments is an easy way to protect yourself financially before disaster strikes. It also eliminates the risk of stolen checks. 

Build a Kit

In addition to having your basic survival supplies, an emergency kit should have items to meet your individual needs in various emergencies. Consider the items you use every day and which ones you may need to add to your kit.

For more information go to:

How Do You Advocate?

You’re invited to share your stories of advocating for yourself or others by creating a video, writing a story or call us on the phone. We want to know how you are using the self-advocacy skills that you learn from People First so we can share them with others!

Email your stories or share a link to your video to: or call 304-422-3151.

People First of WV Meetings and Events:

Meetings are held in person and on Zoom. Click Here for a list of meetings.

Check the People First Facebook page for last minute changes.

Opportunities to Give Back

You are invited to give back to your community through joining boards and committees or volunteering with a group. There is a list of different groups throughout West Virginia on the People First Web Page. For more information: Click Here

COVID-19 and Vaccine Resources

For resources on Covid-19 including related Local, State and Federal resources.


Each month, several organizations provide online webinars.

AAIDD: Click Here

Additude Mag: Click Here

AUCD: Click Here

PACER: Click Here

WVABLE: Click Here

WVU CED: Click Here

US Senators:
Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R):
Senator Joe Manchin, III (D):

US House of Representatives:

Carol Miller (R) – District 1: 

Click Here

Alex Mooney (R) – District 2:

Click Here

To find your State Representatives:

Click Here for members of the State Senate

Click Here for members of the House of Delegates

For more information, log on to

or use the contact information below:

Contact Information:


The Arc of West Virginia

People First of West Virginia

1917 Dudley Avenue

Parkersburg, WV 26101

Phone: 304-422-3151

Toll-Free: 877-334-6581

Fax: 304-865-2072
