Monthly News & Updates

February 2023

People First Conference Menu Approved

The People First of WV Advisory Board met in Charleston following the Disability Advocacy Day Training sponsored by the Fairshake Network. During the meeting the board approved the menu for the 30th Annual People First Conference. Click Here for the menu. The board also discussed leisure time activities, and shirts for the conference. There was concern that the typical shirt vendor doesn’t carry tie-dye shirts in all sizes that are needed. Final vote on the style of the shirt will be held at the Mid-Year Training in May. Board members also discussed and approved the Lewis County Volunteer Fire Department bringing their fire safety house and their fire department dog during leisure time to go along with the class on fire safety.

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships

February 14th is Valentine’s Day. How can you tell if your relationships in your life are good or bad for you?

What makes a healthy relationship?

Relationships in your life need love, care, and respect for them to be healthy for you. These relationships don’t have to be romantic for them to be unhealthy. What signs can you look for that the relationship is a good one for you? Well, here are some signs; you have good communication, there is trust and honesty, you are able to problem solve, you respect yourself and the other people involved, and you are your own person while having this relationship.

Spread awareness about how to tell the difference in relationships!

Have your People First group discuss relationships whether they be romantic or not. Find out if there are any events in the area and go as a group. Or have a therapist or a professional speak about relationships.

Click Here for more information healthy vs. unhealthy relationships.

Legislative Matters Now! with M&M!

Legislative Matters NOW! with M&M is a monthly program where Melissa Southall and Morgan Spice discuss legislative issues that matter to people with disabilities. It could be a bill that needs passed or explaining a bill that did pass or even changes to the state constitution. The show also features an Advocate in Action. That person could be advocating for themselves or they may be a family member or agency staff who tells their story of advocating so that people with disabilities can live a more independent life. New shows premier on the last Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am on the People First Facebook page or you can see an archive of past shows on the People First youtube page that you can get to by clicking HERE.

People First of WV Meetings and Events:

Meetings are held in person and on Zoom. Click Here for a list of meetings.

Check the People First Facebook page for last minute changes.

Opportunities to Give Back

You are invited to give back to your community through joining boards and committees or volunteering with a group. There is a list of different groups throughout West Virginia on the People First Web Page. For more information: Click Here

COVID-19 and Vaccine Resources

For resources on Covid-19 including related Local, State and Federal resources.


Each month, several organizations provide online webinars.

AAIDD: Click Here

Additude Mag: Click Here

AUCD: Click Here

PACER: Click Here

WVABLE: Click Here

WVU CED: Click Here

US Senators:
Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R):
Senator Joe Manchin, III (D):

US House of Representatives:

Carol Miller (R) – District 1: 

Click Here

Alex Mooney (R) – District 2:

Click Here

To find your State Representatives:

Click Here for members of the State Senate

Click Here for members of the House of Delegates

For more information, log on to

or use the contact information below:

Contact Information


The Arc of West Virginia

People First of West Virginia

1917 Dudley Avenue

Parkersburg, WV 26101

Phone: 304-422-3151

Toll-Free: 877-334-6581

Fax: 304-865-2072
