Monthly News &Updates

January 2023

Disability Advocacy Days 2023

People First of WV will once again be going to Charleston for
Disability Advocacy Days
. The training from Fair Shake Network will be held at the
Saint John XXIII Pastoral Center
on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. We will also visit the WV State Capitol Building on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 for a rally with Fair Shake Network as well as visiting lawmakers and attending the legislative session where they will read the Disability Advocacy Day proclamation.

Registration and stipends will be handled through Fair Shake Network and not the People First office. For more information and to register go to:

Deadline is: January 2, 2023

Seeing Your Way Clear In The New Year

January is National Eye Care Month. Your eyes are the second most complex part of your body next to the brain.

Go for a check-up

This month many eye care hospitals and clinics will be offering discounted appointments for eye checkups.

Give your eyes some rest

Myth or not, your eyes do need rest. People might say that it is their function to see, so why not use them to see. But doing something too much can have negative effects. During the month, give your eyes a break from using your phone and computer too much. Instead, do other things and relax your eyes.

Spread awareness about eye care

Have your People First group discuss eye care and find out if there are any events in the area and go as a group. Or have an eyecare specialist speak at your meeting.

Click Here
for more information about eyecare.


We would like to welcome our new Program and Activities Coordinator Alexis Ullmann. She has worked for The Arc before with our Summer Day Program. She has worked with our People First Groups; People First of WV, People First of the MOV, and People First of Ripley and is excited to work with other groups. Alexis is a graduate of Marshall University. If you have any questions regarding People First please contact her by phone at 304-422-3151 EXT. 114 or by email at


The Friday Show airs each Friday at 10:00 am on the People First Facebook page to provide information about People First programs meetings and resources. On the last Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am, Legislative Matters NOW
! with M &M provides information about legislation in an easy to understand manner and introduces an advocate in action. In an effort to improve these shows, we have created a survey.

Please answer the survey and if you have any additional comments about how to make the shows better or topics that should be covered, please email:


People First of WV Meetings and Events:

Meetings are held in person and on Zoom.
Click Here
for a list of meetings.

Opportunities to Give Back

You are invited to give back to your community through joining boards and committees or volunteering with a group. There is a list of different groups throughout West Virginia on the People First Web Page. For more information:
Click Here

COVID-19 and Vaccine Resources

For resources on Covid-19 including related Local, State and Federal resources.


Each month, several organizations provide online webinars.

Click Here

Additude Mag:

Click Here


Click Here


Click Here


Click Here


Click Here

US Senators:
Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R):
Senator Joe Manchin, III (D):

US House of Representatives:

Carol Miller (R) – District 1: 

Click Here

Alex Mooney (R) – District 2:

Click Here

To find your State Representatives:

Click Here
 for members of the State Senate

Click Here
 for members of the House of Delegates

For more information, log on to

or use the contact information below:

Contact Information


The Arc of West Virginia

People First of West Virginia

1917 Dudley Avenue

Parkersburg, WV 26101

Phone: 304-422-3151

Toll-Free: 877-334-6581

Fax: 304-865-2072
