Monthly News &Updates

February 2025

Disability Advocacy Days

Disability Advocacy Day will be held on February 25th and 26th. On the 25th, after the Fair Shake Initiative’s training, we will hold an Advisory Board Meeting, and dinner will be provided. As part of the meeting, there will be training on how to talk to your lawmakers in preparation for the second day when we go to the capitol. This will include more information about the topics listed below in the next article from The Arc of the United States to discuss when meeting with lawmakers.

On Wednesday, the 26th, we will go to the capitol building and be a part of the Fair Shake Initiative Rally, visit with lawmakers, attend either a House or Senate Session, and visit the tables of the exhibitors.

During the Advisory Board meeting, we will be voting on the temporary secretary to finish the 2024-2025 term. The candidates are Amanda Hawkins, Lynsay Frye, and Jonathan McKitrick. The vote will happen first so the newly elected secretary can take the minutes for the meeting. The vote on the menu for the 2025 People First Conference will also take place.

In preparation for Disability Advocacy Days, the Fair Shake Initiative, a program of the WV Statewide Independent Living Council (WVSILC), is conducting a survey to get statewide input on legislative issues. The results of this survey will be compiled and analyzed by the WVSIC staff. The information gathered will be used to assist in the development of the 2025 FSI Disability Agenda. To complete the survey please
click here

Legislative Topics From The Arc of the United States

As we continue our mission to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), The Arc of the United States is actively advocating for several critical legislative issues. Here are the key topics we’re currently fighting for:

**Increased Funding for Disability Services**
: We are pushing for federal and state budgets to allocate more resources to vital programs that support individuals with I/DD, ensuring access to essential services and support.

**Employment Opportunities**
: The Arc advocates for policies that promote job training and employment initiatives tailored to individuals with disabilities. By supporting workforce inclusion, we aim to empower individuals to achieve economic independence.

**Protection of Medicaid and Social Security**
: Given the challenges surrounding healthcare funding, The Arc is committed to protecting Medicaid and Social Security benefits, which are essential for the well-being of individuals with disabilities and their families.

We encourage everyone to stay engaged in our advocacy initiatives. Your support is vital in creating a more inclusive and equitable society for individuals with I/DD. Together, we can make a meaningful impact! For more information, please visit

Disability Matters

Join Morgan Spicer for an exciting conversation with Ashley Glears, the Senior Associate of Chapter Training and Development at The Arc of the United States, in January’s episode of Disability Matters!

Morgan had the pleasure of meeting Ashley at The Arc National Convention in Columbus, Ohio, where she participated in a fantastic panel on Self-Advocates Being Leaders, which Morgan hosted as the Self-Advocate Coordinator for People First of West Virginia. In the interview, Ashley shares her inspiring journey and the effective self-advocacy strategies that helped her along the way. Plus, she offers uplifting words of encouragement and support for all advocates out there! Don’t miss it!

Join us on January 29th at 10am for this episode for Disability Matters to go live. You can find Disability Matters on our Facebook Page

click here
or our YouTube channel by
clicking here
If you have a topic or you would like to consider for a future episode, please feel free to reach out to Morgan at
. You can also contact The Arc at (304) 422-3151, extension 129.

People First of WV Meetings and Events:

Meetings are held in person and on Zoom.

Click Here
for a list of meetings.

Check the
People First Facebook
page for last minute changes.


Each month, several organizations provide online webinars.

Click Here

Additude Mag:

Click Here


Click Here


Click Here


Click Here


Click Here

US Senators:

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R):

Click Here

Senator Jim Justice (D):

Click Here

US House of Representatives:

Carol Miller (R) – District 1: 

Click Here

Riley Moore (R) – District 2:

Click Here

To find your State Representatives:

Click Here
for members of the State Senate

Click Here
for members of the House of Delegates

For more information, log on to

or use the contact information below:

Contact Information:


The Arc of West Virginia

People First of West Virginia

1917 Dudley Avenue

Parkersburg, WV 26101

Phone: 304-422-3151

Toll-Free: 877-334-6581

Fax: 304-865-2072
